Alex F. Ghassan

Alex F. Ghassan

Director/Producer    San Francisco 

I direct and produce have been doing so for the past 6 years... hit me if you're trying to work...

← Full Videography

Director of Photography Videography (6)

Young Planet 'Thought Police' music video Thought Police (2014)
Young Planet
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Production Company: ANDM
Young Planet 'Resurrect On Jupiter' music video Resurrect On Jupiter (2013)
Young Planet
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Production Company: ANDM
Brown Bag Allstars 'Rhett Committed Murder' music video Rhett Committed Murder (2012)
Brown Bag Allstars
Production Company: ANDM
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Lewis Parker 'Summer with Asakala' music video Summer with Asakala (2012)
Lewis Parker
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Three Thousand Crowns 'Catacombs' music video Catacombs (2012)
Three Thousand Crowns
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Chaundon 'Prosperity' music video Prosperity (2012)
Director: Alex F. Ghassan
Production Company: ANDM