Last month, YouTube put out a list that claimed to show the "top trending" music videos of 2021. We're here to tell you that this list is a hoax. Not only does it omit several of the most watched videos of the year, it's not even ordered based on view count.… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 5 Music Videos of 2021

Posted by Jason Baum on January 1, 2022 in Lists Contributor Post

Hello out there in music video land.  I don’t want you to think I’m getting lazy or that I’m sleeping on my responsibilities to the faithful followers of my annual blog.  But, I really had a hard time doing most things this year, let alone getting to ten videos on… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 10 Music Videos of 2020

Posted by Jason Baum on January 21, 2021 Contributor Post

What is left to be said about 2020? Literally nothing. I thought about bowing out this year, but I just needed you to know that despite all the frustrating heartbreaking chaos in the world, these videos exist and leave us all with something to aspire toward creating. Much of my… Read More

Jason Baum’s Top 10 Music Videos from 2010 - 2013

Posted by Jason Baum on December 31, 2019 in Lists Contributor Post

I wasn’t invited to contribute until 2014, but I wanted to share my top 10 from 2010 - 2013 because I’m a crazy obsessive. In alpha order as ranking them was just too hard. 2010 Arcade Fire “The Suburbs” (Dir.: Spike Jonze) James Blake “Limit To Your Love” (Dir.: Martin… Read More

Jason Baum's Personal Top 10 of the Decade

Posted by Jason Baum on December 31, 2019 in Lists Contributor Post

If you follow my top ten lists every year, you might recall that I normally don’t include videos that I have worked on. However, given the celebration, I’d like to think I’ve made some pretty cool things. So indulge me as I share some stories on the videos that are… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 20 Music Videos of the Decade

Posted by Jason Baum on December 30, 2019 in Lists Contributor Post

When Doug first hit me up to put together a list for the best of the decade, I was pretty excited and I basically scribbled this entire thing down in Notes within an hour at 11 PM. It came so easy because I still think about all of these videos… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 6 Music Videos (and 4 Music Films) of 2019

Posted by Jason Baum on December 30, 2019 in Lists Contributor Post

I admit, I struggled to make a top ten this year. But, that doesn’t make the talent in this list any less dope. The truth of the matter, I had to do three other lists (here, here, and here) so let’s just get to it for once! At number one...… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 10 Music Videos of 2018

Posted by Jason Baum on January 5, 2019 in Lists Contributor Post

Has it already been a year?  In the words of IMVDB editor Doug Klinger, "it really makes you think."No long intro needed, let’s start at the top.Anderson .Paak – “'Til It's Over” aka “Welcome Home” (Director: Spike Jonze)  Arguably not a music video (hence why it isn’t on IMVDB).  But,… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 10 Music Videos of 2017

Posted by Jason Baum on December 31, 2016 in Lists Contributor Post

Hi IMVDB readers! I know this site has been a bit broken as of late, but it doesn’t mean you can’t rely on it for your annual recap of everything good in music video land for 2017 AD. (Anno Domini, not Assistant Director) The internet was overwhelmingly exhausting this year… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 10 Music Videos of 2016

Posted by Jason Baum on December 31, 2016 in Lists Contributor Post

Hello IMVDB land! It is I, Jason Baum, back to bring you my top ten list for 2016. (see 2015 / 2014) I’d like to think that my annual list is now a crucial staple of the music video community. Something certain in a world of uncertainty. Right there next… Read More

Caleb Jackson's Top Ten of 2016

Posted by Caleb Jackson on December 29, 2016 in Lists Contributor Post

This year we saw a lot of great videos come out, and definitely saw some boundaries pushed. It was also really great to see some of my favorite directors get a shot at features & TV (Hiro Murai- Atlanta, DANIELS- Swiss Army Man, Isaac Rentz- Opening Night, and BREWER, The… Read More

What can one say about 2016 that has not already been said through memes? It’s been turbulent year, but it has also produced some fantastic music videos (smooth transition, right?).  The following is a perfectly curated, indisputable, egomaniacal list of the best music videos from the past year. Our selection skews… Read More

This was a great year for music videos, and as always it's hard to narrow down a top list in order, especially when dealing with different genres and criteria. We saw some bold voices this year from Nicolas Davenel and Miles Jay - really raising the bar with their cinematic… Read More

Andrea Allen's Top 10 Music Videos of 2016

Posted by Andrea Allen on December 28, 2016 in Lists Contributor Post

In a year that absolutely sucked the life out of me, these videos kept me going. And I kept going back to them for inspiration, to relive the feelings they gave me, and for a few minutes of escape. Feel free to fight me on Looking Glass by Celia Rowlson-Hall… Read More

Directing duo BRTHR did some real justice to the Japanese crime masterpiece that was the Weeknd's In the Night. The new video for Keith Ape ft. Jedi P's "Diamonds" plays to the same tune, though this one toys around with some more experimental visuals, including virtual reality simulation. While In… Read More

UKMVAs Call For Entries

Posted by Doug Klinger on July 26, 2016 in Event Coverage

The world needs more people celebrating music videos as an art form. It needs more people championing music video directors, and the rest of their crew all the way down the line. Basically, it needs more people doing what the UK Music Video Awards do. Heading into their 9th year,… Read More

Cool New Music Video: "Mad At You" by 3oh!3

Posted by Caleb Jackson on March 8, 2016 Contributor Post

3oh!3's “Mad At You” is the second single released from the album “Night Sports”, which released on May 13. This is also their first release after being signed to Fueled by Ramen Records. “Mad At You” is a huge exploration of what can be done with a few distinct physical… Read More

Cool New Music Video: Hunger by Pekko

Posted by Caleb Jackson on February 5, 2016 Contributor Post

Here at IMVDB, we love to watch videos that go above and beyond promoting the artist’s track by way of visual accompaniment. This new video for Pekko's Hunger really pushed the art form, and got us really excited for a groundbreaking year of quality work.The narrative for Hunger takes place… Read More

Video Chats: Phil Mucci on "Sorrow" by Huntress

Posted by Caleb Jackson on January 30, 2016 in Interviews Contributor Post

Phil Mucci is a filmmaker who has made a name for himself directing visual effects and animation based music videos for bands such as Disturbed, Pig Destroyer, and Torche, among other metal acts in recent years. His work is astoundingly innovative, and really pushes the limits of what can be… Read More

David Bowie: Lazarus. The End of an Era

Posted by Caleb Jackson on January 12, 2016 in Cool New Music Videos Contributor Post

I was quite sad and dismayed to find that my favorite singer and performer passed away last night. David Bowie was so influential to the art community, not only as a musician, but as a composer, actor, filmmaker, and painter. He passed away at 69, right after releasing his final… Read More

"Everything suddenly slowed down. I lost focus on reality. I was no longer grounded to this earth. For a single moment, I felt everything. And in that moment… I let go." -Music Videos Read More

DISCLAIMER: We love “Hotline Bling” and “Bad Blood,” just as much as any other flag-waving, hamburger-eating, vape-smoking American. With that said, you probably won’t find our favorite music videos of 2015 on the lists of Billboard or Rolling Stone. However, all of the films we’ve selected are incredible works of… Read More

Caleb's Top Ten Music Videos of 2015

Posted by Caleb Jackson on December 31, 2015 in Lists Contributor Post

As far as I'm concerned, 2015 broke some new ground for music videos, and more people are beginning to see what is possible to be done with the art form. Some of the younger directors are starting to take the place of the veterans of the 90's, gaining auteur status.… Read More

AA's Top 10 Music Vids of 2015

Posted by Andrea Allen on December 30, 2015 in Lists Contributor Post

Choosing my top 10 music videos of 2015 was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The process was basically navigating through my Vimeo Likes and listening to my gut. When I'd come across a music video that I couldn't help but watch all the way through again,… Read More

Jason Baum's Top 10 Music Videos of 2015

Posted by Jason Baum on December 29, 2015 in Lists Contributor Post

Hello everyone in music video land! I am back to share my thoughts again on the past year— the year formerly known as 2015. Was a great one methinks. Hey, even the NYTimes felt compelled to chime in! If you weren’t around last year, my criteria is simple and is… Read More

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