Andre Rehal

Andre Rehal

  Toronto, Canada 

Andre Rehal is a freelance director based out of Toronto. His work features range in various digital mediums, shooting styles and genres.

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Director Videography (22)

Rezonate 'Shake It Off' music video Shake It Off (2015)
Director: Andre Rehal
Production Company: Worked Films
Grimace Love 'Tell Dem' music video Tell Dem (2014)
Grimace Love
Director: Andre Rehal
Production Company: Worked Films
Korry Deez 'Pilin' Papers' music video Pilin' Papers (2014)
Korry Deez
Production Company: Worked Films
Director: Andre Rehal
Dan-e-o 'Get Up On It' music video Get Up On It (2014)
Director: Andre Rehal
Production Company: Worked Films
SepTo 'C.R.E.A.M 2014 (Credit Rules Everything Around Me)' music video C.R.E.A.M 2014 (Credit Rules Everything Around Me) (2014)
Director: Andre Rehal
Production Company: Worked Films
Math Rosen 'Get Shot' music video Get Shot (2014)
Math Rosen
Director: Andre Rehal
SepTo 'NevR Left' music video NevR Left (2013)
Director: Andre Rehal
Maestro 'Dearly Departed' music video Dearly Departed (2013)
Director: Andre Rehal
Production Company: Worked Films
Perfeck Strangers 'Dreams' music video Dreams (2013)
Perfeck Strangers
Director: Andre Rehal
Th3 Abyss 'Th3 Abyss' music video Th3 Abyss (2012)
Th3 Abyss
Director: Andre Rehal
Promise 'Don't' music video Don't (2012)
Director: Andre Rehal
Perfeck Strangers 'Work To Do' music video Work To Do (2012)
Perfeck Strangers
Director: Andre Rehal
Promise 'Somebody Else' music video Somebody Else (2012)
Director: Andre Rehal
SepTo 'Nevera Evera' music video Nevera Evera (2012)
Director: Andre Rehal
Promise 'Against the Odds' music video Against the Odds (2011)
Director: Andre Rehal
SepTo 'Dot City' music video Dot City (2011)
Director: Andre Rehal
SepTo 'Go Bamn' music video Go Bamn (2011)
Director: Andre Rehal
Th3 Abyss & Gigz 'The Web' music video The Web (2011)
Th3 Abyss & Gigz
Director: Andre Rehal
Perfeck Strangers 'Ghetto' music video Ghetto (2011)
Perfeck Strangers
Director: Andre Rehal
Th3 Abyss & Gigz 'The Difference' music video The Difference (2011)
Th3 Abyss & Gigz
Director: Andre Rehal
SepTo 'Worst Nightmare' music video Worst Nightmare (2011)
Director: Andre Rehal
Grimace Love 'Grimstone' music video Grimstone (2010)
Grimace Love
Director: Andre Rehal