Black Dog Films

Black Dog Films


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2009 Videography (11)

Rammstein 'Ich tu dir weh' music video Ich tu dir weh (2009)
Production Company
Robin Thicke 'Sex Therapy' music video Sex Therapy (2009)
Robin Thicke
Production Company
Ne-Yo 'Never Knew I Needed' music video Never Knew I Needed (2009)
Production Company
Black Eyed Peas 'Meet Me Halfway' music video Meet Me Halfway (2009)
Black Eyed Peas
Production Company
Rammstein 'Pussy' music video Pussy (2009)
Production Company
Madonna 'Celebration' music video Celebration (2009)
Production Company
Lily Allen '22' music video 22 (2009)
Lily Allen
Production Company
Skunk Anansie 'Tear The Place Up' music video Tear The Place Up (2009)
Skunk Anansie
Production Company
Rihanna 'So Hard' music video So Hard (2009)
Production Company
Coldplay 'Strawberry Swing' music video Strawberry Swing (2009)
Production Company
Massive Attack 'Splitting the Atom' music video Splitting the Atom (2009)
Massive Attack
Production Company