Chet Faker


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Artist Videography (9)

Chet Faker 'It Could Be Nice' music video It Could Be Nice (2022) Director: FĂ©lix Panis-Jones
Chet Faker 'Feel Good' music video Feel Good (2021) Director: Nick Murphy
Chet Faker 'Get High' music video Get High (2021)
Chet Faker 'Low' music video Low (2020)
Chet Faker 'The Trouble With Us' music video The Trouble With Us (2015) Director: Kinopravda
Chet Faker 'Gold' music video Gold (2014) Production Company: Doomsday Entertainment
Director: Hiro Murai
Chet Faker '1988' music video 1988 (2014) Director: Domenico Bartolo
Chet Faker 'Talk Is Cheap' music video Talk Is Cheap (2014) Director: Toby & Pete
Chet Faker 'I'm Into You' music video I'm Into You (2012) Director: Josh Mckie