David Underhill

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Director of Photography Videography (5)

P.O.S. 'Fuck Your Stuff' music video Fuck Your Stuff (2012)
Directors: Isaac Gale, David Jensen
Production Company: Permanent ADG
The Tribe and Big Cats! 'Dopeness' music video Dopeness (2012)
The Tribe and Big Cats!
Directors: Isaac Gale, David Jensen
Production Company: Permanent ADG
MaLLy & Sundance Kid 'Good One' music video Good One (2012)
MaLLy & Sundance Kid
Directors: Isaac Gale, David Jensen
Production Company: Permanent ADG
Dessa 'Into The Spin' music video Into The Spin (2011)
Director: Isaac Gale
Sing It Loud 'Here With You' music video Here With You (2010)
Sing It Loud
Director: Isaac Gale

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