Drew Daniels

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2013 Videography (6)

Typhoon 'Young Fathers' music video Young Fathers (2013)
Director of Photography
Megan Keely 'Just Enough Time' music video Just Enough Time (2013)
Megan Keely
Director of Photography
Lily Kershaw 'As It Seems' music video As It Seems (2013)
Lily Kershaw
Director of Photography
Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside 'They Told Me' music video They Told Me (2013)
Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside
Director of Photography
Anastasia 'Extranjero' music video Extranjero (2013)
Director of Photography
The Uncluded 'Delicate Cycle' music video Delicate Cycle (2013)
The Uncluded
Director of Photography