
Ken Barrows

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1983 Videography (7)

Madonna 'Burning Up' music video Burning Up (1983)
1st Assistant Camera
John Mellencamp 'Pink Houses' music video Pink Houses (1983)
John Mellencamp
1st Assistant Camera
John Mellencamp 'Crumblin' Down' music video Crumblin' Down (1983)
John Mellencamp
1st Assistant Camera
The Gap Band 'Party Train' music video Party Train (1983)
The Gap Band
1st Assistant Camera
Toto 'Waiting for your Love' music video Waiting for your Love (1983)
1st Assistant Camera
Paul Kantner 'The Planet Earth Rock & Roll Orchestra' music video The Planet Earth Rock & Roll Orchestra (1983)
Paul Kantner
1st Assistant Camera
Stephanie Mills 'Pilot Error' music video Pilot Error (1983)
Stephanie Mills
1st Assistant Camera