
Matthew Dudley

← Full Videography

Camera Department Videography (11)

Epoch Failure 'Let The Fire Glow' music video Let The Fire Glow (2016)
Epoch Failure
Director of Photography
Eric Smith 'Hey There Miss' music video Hey There Miss (2016)
Eric Smith
Director of Photography
Critical Bill 'Alone or Lonely' music video Alone or Lonely (2015)
Critical Bill
Director of Photography
Epoch Failure 'Champion' music video Champion (2015)
Epoch Failure
Director of Photography
The Prime Eights 'Vitamin D' music video Vitamin D (2014)
The Prime Eights
Director of Photography
The Prime Eights 'Helen Highwater' music video Helen Highwater (2013)
The Prime Eights
Director of Photography
Jeff Gutt 'Hallelujah' music video Hallelujah (2013)
Jeff Gutt
Director of Photography
Critical Bill 'Move' music video Move (2012)
Critical Bill
Jib Operator