Owen Donovan

Member of: BANGS

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Production Company Videography (4)

Zola Jesus 'Hunger' music video Hunger (2015)
Zola Jesus
Credited as BANGS
Production Company: BANGS
Director: Allie Avital
Hundred Waters 'Murmurs' music video Murmurs (2014)
Hundred Waters
Credited as BANGS
Director: Allie Avital
Production Company: BANGS
Young Ejecta 'Eleanor Lye' music video Eleanor Lye (2014)
Young Ejecta
Credited as BANGS
Director: Allie Avital
Production Company: BANGS
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart 'Simple and Sure' music video Simple and Sure (2014)
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
Credited as BANGS
Production Company: BANGS
Director: Allie Avital