
Phil Prates

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Visual Effects Videography (8)

The Angry Kids 'Battle (It's Beautiful)' music video Battle (It's Beautiful) (2015)
The Angry Kids
Cory Lee 'Bounce On It' music video Bounce On It (2013)
Cory Lee
VFX - at reactivpost
Note: at reactivpost
Victoria Duffield 'Feel' music video Feel (2013)
Victoria Duffield
VFX - at reactiv post
Note: at reactiv post
Cory Lee 'Cruel Intentions' music video Cruel Intentions (2012)
Cory Lee
VFX - at reactivpost
Note: at reactivpost
Candy Coated Killahz 'Neon Black' music video Neon Black (2011)
Candy Coated Killahz
VFX - at reactiv post
Note: at reactiv post
Candy Coated Killahz 'Light Up This City' music video Light Up This City (2011)
Candy Coated Killahz
VFX - at reactiv post
Note: at reactiv post
HotKid 'Yours and Mine' music video Yours and Mine (2010)
VFX - at reactiv post
Note: at reactiv post
Hail The Villain 'My Reward' music video My Reward
Hail The Villain
VFX - at reativ
Note: at reativ