Salazoo s.r.l.

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2009 Videography (9)

Il Teatro Degli Orrori 'A sangue freddo' music video A sangue freddo (2009)
Il Teatro Degli Orrori
Executive Producer
Il Teatro Degli Orrori 'A sangue freddo' music video A sangue freddo (2009)
Il Teatro Degli Orrori
Production Company
The Bloody Beetroots 'Butter' music video Butter (2009)
The Bloody Beetroots
Production Company
The Bloody Beetroots 'Awesome' music video Awesome (2009)
The Bloody Beetroots
Production Company
Frigidaire Tango 'Natural mente' music video Natural mente (2009)
Frigidaire Tango
Production Company
Lambda 'La verticale' music video La verticale (2009)
Production Company
Diego Mancino 'Tutte le distanze' music video Tutte le distanze (2009)
Diego Mancino
Production Company
Psicosuono 'Iride' music video Iride (2009)
Production Company
Flavio Ferri 'Apparentemente esisto' music video Apparentemente esisto (2009)
Flavio Ferri
Production Company