
Sleeping With Sirens

  Orlando, FL 

Now three years into their existence, the post-hardcore quintet Sleeping With Sirens continue to evolve and mature as artists, gradually shaping their unmistakable blend of fury and melody into a sound that

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Artist Videography (7)

Sleeping With Sirens 'Be Happy' music video Be Happy (2022) Director: Alexandre Souetre
Sleeping With Sirens 'Complete Collapse' music video Complete Collapse (2022) Director: Brian Cox
Sleeping With Sirens 'Let You Down' music video Let You Down (2022)
Sleeping With Sirens 'Congratulations' music video Congratulations (2013) Director: Drew Russ
Production Company: Sequitur Cinema
Sleeping With Sirens 'Alone' music video Alone (2013) Directors: Ben Thornley, Paul Burrows
Production Company: Sitcom Soldiers
Sleeping With Sirens 'If You Can't Hang' music video If You Can't Hang (2011) Director: Thunder Down Country
Sleeping With Sirens 'If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn' music video If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn (2010) Director: Caleb Mallery