Steve Costanza

Makeup Artist 

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2011 Videography (5)

Owl City 'Deer In The Headlights' music video Deer In The Headlights (2011)
Owl City
Panic! at the Disco 'Ready To Go' music video Ready To Go (2011)
Panic! at the Disco
Owl City 'Alligator Sky' music video Alligator Sky (2011)
Owl City
Panic! at the Disco 'The Ballad of Mona Lisa' music video The Ballad of Mona Lisa (2011)
Panic! at the Disco
Avril Lavigne 'Smile' music video Smile (2011)
Avril Lavigne
Makeup - *everyone but Avril, who had her personal artist
Note: *everyone but Avril, who had her personal artist