Chris Cloud

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Director of Photography Videography (5)

Blueprint 'Packt Like...' music video Packt Like... (2012)
Director: David Damen
Production Company: Arris Productions
Ill Poetic 'Gone' music video Gone (2012)
Ill Poetic
Production Company: Arris Productions
Directors: David Damen, Walter Nini
LxE for the Uncool 'Flowers' music video Flowers
LxE for the Uncool
Director: David Damen
Production Company: Arris Productions
LxE for the Uncool 'Bordeux VII's' music video Bordeux VII's
LxE for the Uncool
Director: David Damen
Production Company: Arris Productions
Long Division 'Summer Storms' music video Summer Storms
Long Division
Director: David Damen
Production Company: Arris Productions