Emily Sanders

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Director's Rep. Videography (6)

PRETTYMUCH 'Free' music video Free (2021)
Director: Keenan O'Reilly
Production Company: Rezistor Films
KHUSHI 'Coldhearted, Lately' music video Coldhearted, Lately (2020)
Hobo Johnson 'Uglykid' music video Uglykid (2019)
Hobo Johnson
Director: Taylor Fauntleroy
Gallant 'Sharpest Edges' music video Sharpest Edges (2019)
Director: Bennett Johnson
Production Companies: dreambear, Teenager
Nickelback 'Feed The Machine' music video Feed The Machine (2017)
Director: Kyle Cogan
Production Company: Simian Design Group
ZZ Ward 'The Deep' music video The Deep (2017)
ZZ Ward
Director: Kyle Cogan
Production Company: Simian Design Group