Jacopo Rondinelli
by Position | Year | DepartmentIndex: Directorial (33), Writing (25), Editorial (17), Producers (13), Camera Department (5), Visual Effects (3), Costume and Wardrobe (1), Production Management (1), Production Design (1)
Directorial (33)
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Writing (25)
Space Invaders
Salmo |
Writer |
Killer Game
Salmo |
Writer |
Run Up
Sula Ventrebianco |
Writer |
E mi parli di te
Marina Rei |
Writer |
Canzone per un figlio
Marlene Kuntz |
Writer |
Blastema |
Writer |
Si stava meglio prima
Eva Mon Amour |
Writer |
Midnight Revolution
...A Toys Orchestra |
Writer |
Il tempo non è sempre magnifico
Lombroso |
Writer |
Do You Feel Like I Feel
Nicola Conte |
Writer |
Direzioni diverse
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Writer |
Falsa la verità
Samuel Holkins |
Writer |
Buongiorno buonafortuna
Perturbazione |
Writer |
Mondo tempesta
Perturbazione |
Writer |
A sangue freddo
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Writer |
A sangue freddo
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Writer |
Natural mente
Frigidaire Tango |
Writer |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Writer |
La verticale
Lambda |
Writer |
Tutte le distanze
Diego Mancino |
Writer |
Psicosuono |
Writer |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Writer |
Apparentemente esisto
Flavio Ferri |
Writer |
Writer |
Al di là del cielo
Realia |
Writer |
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Editorial (17)
Space Invaders
Salmo |
Edit |
Killer Game
Salmo |
Edit |
Run Up
Sula Ventrebianco |
Edit |
Blastema |
Edit |
Midnight Revolution
...A Toys Orchestra |
Edit |
Do You Feel Like I Feel
Nicola Conte |
Edit |
Direzioni diverse
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Edit |
Mondo tempesta
Perturbazione |
Edit |
A sangue freddo
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Edit |
Natural mente
Frigidaire Tango |
Edit |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Edit |
Tutte le distanze
Diego Mancino |
Edit |
Psicosuono |
Edit |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Edit |
Apparentemente esisto
Flavio Ferri |
Edit |
Edit |
Al di là del cielo
Realia |
Edit |
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Producers (13)
Space Invaders
Salmo |
Producer |
Killer Game
Salmo |
Producer |
Run Up
Sula Ventrebianco |
Producer |
E mi parli di te
Marina Rei |
Producer |
Canzone per un figlio
Marlene Kuntz |
Producer |
Blastema |
Producer |
Do You Feel Like I Feel
Nicola Conte |
Producer |
Direzioni diverse
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Producer |
Buongiorno buonafortuna
Perturbazione |
Producer |
Mondo tempesta
Perturbazione |
Producer |
A sangue freddo
Il Teatro Degli Orrori |
Producer |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Producer |
Natural mente
Frigidaire Tango |
Producer |
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Camera Department (5)
Canzone per un figlio
Marlene Kuntz |
Director of Photography |
Buongiorno buonafortuna
Perturbazione |
Director of Photography |
Mondo tempesta
Perturbazione |
Director of Photography |
The Bloody Beetroots |
Director of Photography |
Tutte le distanze
Diego Mancino |
Director of Photography |
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Visual Effects (3)
Psicosuono |
Apparentemente esisto
Flavio Ferri |
Al di là del cielo
Realia |
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Costume and Wardrobe (1)
Production Management (1)
Production Design (1)
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