Jesse Lomax

Jesse Lomax

  Los Angeles 

Jesse Lomax is a Freelance Editor based out of Los Angeles California. Available for short and long term projects Contact: JesseLomax@JesseLomax.com


as Edit (10)

as 1st Assistant Camera (4)

Keithian 'Butterflies' music video Butterflies (2013)
Director: Jeff Reyes
Production Company: ECHOSWORLD
Peter Jackson 'Can't Get Enough' music video Can't Get Enough (2013)
Peter Jackson
Director: Jeff Reyes
Production Company: ECHOSWORLD
Wooh da Kid 'What's Brackin' music video What's Brackin (2012)
Wooh da Kid
Director: Jeff Reyes
The Weeknd 'High for This' music video High for This (2012)
The Weeknd
Director: Jeff Reyes

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as Director (2)