
Tate McRae


by Position | Year | Department

Index: (11), Directorial (1)


Tate McRae '2 hands' music video 2 hands (2024) Artist
Tate McRae 'greedy' music video greedy (2023) Artist
Tate McRae 'What Would You Do?' music video What Would You Do? (2022) Artist
Blackbear 'U Love U' music video U Love U (2021)
Featured Artist
Tate McRae 'Bad Ones' music video Bad Ones (2021) Artist
Tate McRae 'Rubberband' music video Rubberband (2021) Artist
Tate McRae 'Lie To Me' music video Lie To Me (2020) Artist
Tate McRae 'Don't Be Sad' music video Don't Be Sad (2020) Artist
Tate McRae 'Stupid' music video Stupid (2020) Artist
Tate McRae 'Tear Myself Apart' music video Tear Myself Apart (2019) Artist
Tate McRae 'R U Ok' music video R U Ok Artist

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Directorial (1)