The Kills


by Position | Year | Department

Index: Artist (16)

as Artist (16)

The Kills 'Wasterpiece' music video Wasterpiece (2023) Director: Noel Paul
The Kills 'New York' music video New York (2023) Director: Andrew Theodore Balasia
The Kills 'LA Hex' music video LA Hex (2023) Director: Andrew Theodore Balasia
The Kills 'Raise Me (Demo)' music video Raise Me (Demo) (2020)
The Kills 'Whirling Eye' music video Whirling Eye (2017) Director: Sophie Muller
Production Company: Wondros
The Kills 'Impossible Tracks' music video Impossible Tracks (2016) Director: Ellis Bahl
The Kills 'Under The Gun' music video Under The Gun (2016)
The Kills 'Siberian Nights' music video Siberian Nights (2016) Director: Giovanni Ribisi
The Kills 'Heart Of A Dog' music video Heart Of A Dog (2016) Director: Sophie Muller
The Kills 'Doing It To Death' music video Doing It To Death (2016) Director: Wendy Morgan
The Kills 'Wild Charms' music video Wild Charms (2012) Director: Kenneth Cappello
The Kills 'Satellite' music video Satellite (2011) Director: Sophie Muller
The Kills 'Cheap and Cheerful' music video Cheap and Cheerful (2008) Director: Sophie Muller
The Kills 'Last Day of Magic' music video Last Day of Magic (2008) Director: Sophie Muller
The Kills 'U.R.A. Fever' music video U.R.A. Fever (2007) Director: Sophie Muller
The Kills 'The Good Ones' music video The Good Ones (2004) Director: Rojo

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