Guillermo Garza

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Director of Photography Videography (5)

Autre Ne Veut 'Panic Room' music video Panic Room (2015)
Autre Ne Veut
Director: Allie Avital
Kygo 'Stole The Show' music video Stole The Show (2015)
Director: Saman Kesh
Production Company: Vision Film
Basement Jaxx 'Never Say Never' music video Never Say Never (2014)
Basement Jaxx
Director: Saman Kesh
Production Company: Skunk
Zoé 'Bésame Mucho' music video Bésame Mucho
Director: Rodrigo Guardiola
León Larregui 'Brillas' music video Brillas
León Larregui
Director: León Larregui
Production Company: Tigre Pictures