

as Artist (19)

Miguel 'Funeral' music video Funeral (2020) Directors: Philippa Price, Nina McNeely
Miguel 'Come Through and Chill' music video Come Through and Chill (2018) Director: Kevin Calero
Miguel 'Sky Walker' music video Sky Walker (2017) Director: Director X
Miguel 'waves (Tame Impala Remix)' music video waves (Tame Impala Remix) (2016) Director: Jennifer Massaux
Miguel 'waves' music video waves (2016)
Miguel 'waves' music video waves (2015) Directors: Darren Craig, Miguel
Production Company: Pulse Films
Miguel '...goingtohell' music video ...goingtohell (2015)
Miguel 'NWA' music video NWA (2015) Directors: Duncan Winecoff, Tobias Nathan
Miguel 'WILDHEART Chapter 1: Find What You Love and Let It Kill You' music video WILDHEART Chapter 1: Find What You Love and Let It Kill You (2015) Director: Miguel
Miguel 'Coffee' music video Coffee (2015) Director: Duncan Winecoff
Production Company: All:Expanded
Miguel 'Simplethings' music video Simplethings (2014) Director: Sarah McColgan
Production Company: Artists and Derelicts
Miguel 'How Many Drinks' music video How Many Drinks (2013) Director: Constellation Jones
Miguel 'Candles In The Sun' music video Candles In The Sun (2013) Director: Sarah McColgan
Miguel 'The Thrill' music video The Thrill (2012) Director: Danny Ocean
Miguel 'Do You...' music video Do You... (2012) Director: Constellation Jones
Miguel 'Adorn' music video Adorn (2012) Director: Jason Beattie
Miguel 'Quickie' music video Quickie (2011) Production Company: Hello and Company
Miguel 'Girls Like You' music video Girls Like You (2011) Director: Alexandre Moors
Miguel 'All I Want Is You' music video All I Want Is You (2010) Director: Alexandre Moors
Production Company: Good Company

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