
Behind the Scenes: Photos of Ellen Frances and CREEP on set of 'Vertigo'

Posted by Doug Klinger on January 22, 2013 in Behind the Scenes

Staff Post

Ellen Frances

This past weekend, we spent some time with Ellen Frances on the set of the video for “Vertigo” by CREEP featuring Lou Rhodes. On Friday, we had the chance to watch Ellen and technical consultant Mari Kussman begin to assemble some of the costumes, then on Sunday we went down to The 45th St. Theatre as they shot the video that features a custom made LED monster and rib cage, a spinning platform, hermit crabs, and lots of glitter. Check out some on set photos now, and then look out for a more in-depth behind the scenes video about the whole process, coming next month.  

Full credits here.

Ellen Frances

Ellen Frances with technical consultant Mari Kussman

Ellen Frances

Lauren Flax and Lauren Dillard of CREEP

Ellen Frances

Actress Laura O'neall with nail art designer Jennifer Pierce

Ellen Frances

Ellen Frances and DP Alex Cullen setting up the fiber optic fur monster

Ellen Frances

Ellen Frances adjusting the LED rib cage on Laura O'neall with stylist Jenni Hensler 

Ellen Frances

Alex Cullen, Ellen Frances, and camera operator John Marton

Ellen Frances

Christine Lo, Cellists

Ellen Frances

Laura O'neall performing

Ellen Frances

Laura O'neall performing

behind the scenes, creep, ellen frances, vertigo

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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