
June 2013

Any week we can feature a disco ball coming out of a man's afro as our screen shot of the week is a great week for music videos. M.I.A. topped out this week's list of most popular new music videos with "Bring The Noize," which gained close to 3 million… Read More

The internet is kind of freaking out today because for the first time in almost a decade, Pixies have released a music video. That video, for the song “Bagboy,” directed by LAMAR+NIK (Jesse Lamar High and Nik Harper), features a bag boy running amuck in a house, smashing things and… Read More

In "Global Girlfriend" by Solar Year, director Allie Avital Tsypin (of BANGS) follows actress Tania Asnes through an otherworldly spa as she relaxes under water, sips tea, and gets a head massage. The dreamlike video matches the mood of the song perfectly, and this is clearly an example of a video… Read More

I miss the strut. It's been so long in the music video world since we've had a music video that showcases this seemingly lost art form, even while strut-worthy songs like Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" sit high on our Billboard charts. I'm not talking about swag, I'm taking about strut.… Read More

Director Jake Nava has a talent for directing really great dance videos (with the help of some talented choreographers and performers, of course). One of his videos, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" by Beyonce, was good enough to cause Kanye West to take the mic away from Taylor… Read More

Normally, upscale daytime parties like the one featured in "Do Or Die" by Flux Pavilion feat. Childish Gambino would be fine with just an iPod and some speakers in the corner playing a Pandora station. This party, however, has booked English dubstep DJ Flux Pavilion, and they don't know what… Read More

In the video for "Homeless Romantic" by the British artist Itch ft. Adam Lazzara (of Taking Back Sunday), a gang of kids take over an abandoned, graffiti-filled warehouse, and they're there to mess shit up. Director Hannah Lux Davis mixes in intense performances by Itch and Lazzara with scenes of the group waving… Read More

Snoop Dogg's ability to cross generations and age groups has made the once hardcore MC the type of artist you can now turn to when you need to have a fun rap song for your animated Dreamworks movie about racing snails. That rap song, “Let The Bass Go,” for the… Read More

There is a lot of crazy stuff on YouTube. Like the channel csknives, aka Cold Steel Knives, which features founder Lynn Thompson and a bunch of other dudes slicing things in half with giant swords and sometimes slightly less giant swords. We’ve been watching Lynn chop pigs and meat filled… Read More

TLC's song "Waterfalls" will be 20 years old in a few years, and for some reason the surviving members of the trio recently recorded a version for release in Japan with Japanese singer Namie Amuro in place of Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, who died in 2002 in a car crash.… Read More

Last month, we were on set with Nicolas Heller and D-Pryde on set of “Lifted,” and it was one of the most fun sets we’ve ever been on. There was money flying through the air, a dude dressed as a penguin, and lots of bubbles. It turns out, this translated… Read More

Out of all the weird show business friendships, I feel like the one between Conan O'Brien and Jack White is near the top for me. It's not that Conan isn't cool enough to hang with Jack White, it's that Jack and Conan both cultivate such different public personalities - Jack White… Read More

In “Somebody To Die For” by Hurts, director Frank Borin follows Theo Hutchcraft as he performs around Christian imagery in desolate and broken down environments. Theo encounters several characters through his performance, including a bright blue nun, a man giving blessings from a toilet, and a dude in front of a… Read More

Performance segments in music videos can serve a variety of purposes. They can show how awesome the band is, how sexy they are, how cool their dance moves are, and sometimes, they are able to add something to the song that wouldn’t be there in an audio recording of it.… Read More

Often times when making a music video, you have to make some initial concessions. For example, if you’re making a music video with a large cast, in one shot, completely hand-held with your arms in front of an actress, you might not be able to use a heavier camera to… Read More

In August 2003, I was enjoying my first weekend at college and there was a concert to welcome the students. The lineup was Guster and a band I'd never heard of but would be hearing lots of over the next 7 years - The Black Eyed Peas. They were fresh… Read More

OMG Everywhere NYC 2013 Screening

Posted by Doug Klinger on June 22, 2013 in News

Tomorrow, June 23, OMG Cameras Everywhere will be hosting a screening at Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, NY. They will be showing all of the music videos and shorts that the 12 Bronx-based campers of OMG NYC made alongside of directors Isaac Ravishankara, Hiro Murai, Warren Fu, Sophia Peer, Austin Peters, Ian Perlman, BRTHR,… Read More

We’re really proud of the weeks music videos, you guys. With the top four of the five most popular videos this week also chosen by us to be IMVDb Picks, we feel personally responsible for the success of these videos. So, you're welcome. This week we were able to enjoy… Read More

Director Michael Lawrence has shot a lot of videos in a variety of exotic locations. From Indonesia to upstate New York, Michael has the ability to capture a location and make it a character in its his videos. For his most recent video, "Rat" by Wise Blood, Michael traveled to… Read More

So, we all got a good look at Miley Cyrus twerking this week. Diane Martel's video for "We Can't Stop" was a very popular video for many reasons (not least of which being it's just a great video), but one of the big themes people touched on while talking about… Read More

Every true Weezer fan's love for their sophomore release Pinkerton grows by leaps and bounds with each passing year. Pretty much panned on its release in 1996, Pinkerton has been re-cast as a misunderstood work of art that was before its time. It's also true that most casual music fans… Read More

As we mentioned last month, OMG! Cameras Everywhere, the music video director-run nonprofit that offers free music video workshops to kids, is holding three summer camps sessions this year in New York, Los Angeles, and London. The first session, held in The Bronx, NY, is this week, and we’ll be… Read More

When they finally retire, U2 will be remembered for a lot of things. For a band that has placed such a big emphasis on visuals, I think U2 will be more remembered for their live shows and their personas than their music videos. They've had some great ones, some good… Read More

If your music video reminds viewers a TV show, it's good news if it's a show that costs $6 million an episode to create. One of the most ambitious videos of the year so far, "Reload" by Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash, and John Martin, with its dragons, action sequences, and… Read More

An album called Yeezus comes out today, adding another chapter to the ongoing saga of Mr. Kanye West. You might remember that he's been projecting his face onto buildings lately in promotion of this album, but we have not seen a regular old YouTube music video coming down the pipes.… Read More

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