
March 2013

Family portraits are notorious for being awkward. There is a website dedicated to it. You can be the coolest, most photogenic family ever, but if I hand you over to a Sears photographer, 10/10 you're going to end up looking like this. In the video for “Wasted” by METZ, director Scott… Read More

Often times, a lot of post-heavy music videos don’t really come together until the backend. However, the video for “Bootleg Fireworks” by Dillon Francis was built almost entirely in the edit, so the plan when shooting for director team MENZ (Michael Giambra and Bill Benz) was just to get as… Read More

There are few things cuter than a bunch of elderly folks, boogie down to some funky tunes. Just out there getting their geriatric grove on, as a cool band jams on stage. Even a photo of Anderson Cooper holding grumpy cat is less cute than that. So, it is no surprise that… Read More

One of our favorite things to do at IMVDb is to find film festivals that feature music videos of any kind (highlighted by our continuing coverage of this year’s SXSW). But, what we really love is when we can find an event completely dedicated to music videos – and going… Read More

Jay Sean is a smooth dude, even when he’s constantly getting things spilled on him. In the new video for “Where You Are” directed by Hannah Lux Davis, not even mustard, coffee, or a giant bouncer can keep him from putting some subtle moves on a fly girl in the… Read More

Practical and computer-based effects each come with their own unique set of challenges, and director Filip Sterckx decided to take on both sets when making the music video for “Sweater” by Willow. Consisting of a live-action lead singer traveling through a projected computer-animated world, making the video posed a unique set of challenges. We… Read More

If you like your music political, you might want to check out Killer Mike's track "Reagan," off his 2012 album R.A.P. Music. If you like your music videos political (and by political we mean Ronald Reagan's naked body, suspending in a fluid tube that is part of a robotic killing machine),… Read More

Described as a "love letter to VHS and childhood," the video for Starcadian’s "HE^RT" has a look and feel that will be very familiar (and hopefully close to the heart) of many readers who grew up in the era of VHS tapes and classic movies like The Last Starfighter. Co-directed… Read More

Having a music video selected to screen at SXSW doesn’t just benefit the director of the video. Everyone involved with video, from the artist and through to each crew member, contributed to the success of the project. That’s why we were excited when our first interview at SXSW this year was… Read More

Music Videos at SXSW

Posted by Doug Klinger on March 15, 2013 in Event Coverage

Like most of the tech, film, and music world, we were in Austin, Texas this week covering SXSW. We were there, of course, to cover the music video portion of the event, which started with the first music video program screening on Monday at 11am. The selection of music videos… Read More

Having an inanimate object star in your music video can be difficult for both the director and the artist. For the director, they have to figure out a way to make a story about an object compelling. For the band, they have to be cool with this object getting more… Read More

From April 3 through June 16, 2013, Spectacle: The Music Video will be featured at Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York. Curated by Jonathan Wells and Meg Grey Wells of Flux, Spectacle is the first museum exhibition to explore the art, history, future, and influence of music… Read More

With the way budgets and production schedules are set up, there are sometimes shots in music videos that the director can only get once. Shots where everything has to go perfectly, and if it doesn’t you have to keep going anyway. In that situation, the last place you’d expect to… Read More


Posted by Adam Fairholm on March 8, 2013 in Site News

No doubt you have seen something mentioning South by Southwest appear in you Twitter or Facebook feed lately. It starts today in Austin, Texas, and IMVDb is headed down there to check out what is happening in the world of music videos at SXSW. There will be a music video… Read More

Often times, music video directors have to capitalize on what the situation offers them in order to be successful. On the music video for “BBQ Sauce” by Sean Price featuring Pharoahe Monch, director Todd Angkasuwan was able to capitalize on the on the impatience of Sean Price and the natural… Read More

A good director and producer relationship is like a marriage, requiring a good balance of give and take from both partners for it to be successful. That’s why when director Ali Presley Paras describes his producing partner Kenneth Ferrell as “the perfect husband,” we know it’s probably meant as a… Read More

Here at IMVDb, we are such big fans of Brooke Candy that we feel like we know her. We don’t, though. But Spaghetto does! And has for a while now – even before Brooke was everybody’s favorite sexy lady rapper. After being friends for years, the two of them finally teamed up on the… Read More

This past weekend, we were on location in Long Island with BRTHR and I/O on set of the music video for “Wasted My Time.” The marathon production, with over 15 locations in less than 72-hours, required I/O to do everything from fall backwards into 35 degree water, climb into a… Read More

Up until now, it has literally just been two people (Doug and myself) entering and moderating data on IMVDb. That was fine when we were getting 3-4 video submissions a day, but in the past few months we've been faced with a really great problem to have: way too much… Read More

Introducing IMVDb Issues

Posted by Adam Fairholm on March 5, 2013 in Site News

An important part of running a database is taking care of incorrect data that makes its way into our system. Up until now, we've been relying on people emailing us to let us know what is wrong, but today we're happy to announce a new system for reporting issues on… Read More

As the head of post production at Anthem Films, editor Chris Rodriguez might be doing anything from making sure clips are transcoded properly, to not sleeping for several days as he edits and delivers an entire music video over the course of a weekend.  We talked to Chris about his… Read More

Crying on cue can be difficult for even the most seasoned actors to achieve. However, when using the right techniques, even nonprofessional actors can pull off a convincing on camera cry. In the June Zandona-directed “Lapsarian," Lady Lazarus pulls it off pretty much the entire time she's on camera. We… Read More

Yesterday, while everyone else was enjoying the release of Fredo Tovar and Scott Fleishman’s “I Ain't Happy” by Cashius Green featuring Vince Staples, the directors themselves were on set with Pro Era, shooting the music video for “School High.” The video shows the Pro Era guys at a high school,… Read More

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