
March 2014

When a video gets pulled off of YouTube, they usually tell you who made them do it. Usually it's a record label, but sometimes it's a random name. For instance, Iggy Azalea used to have a video called "Pu$$y," but it now says "This video is no longer available because… Read More

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (3/30)

Posted by Adam Alexander on March 30, 2014 Contributor Post

Each week, FRINGE MUSIC FIX culls the latest music video releases, carefully selecting the most bizarre, provocative, and remarkable videos from across the world. Sit back, relax, and open your mind’s eye; things are about to get interesting. The following are our selections for the week ending March 30th, 2014.… Read More

The following is an urgent message about music videos. OMG guys Andy Cohen was in a music video this weeeeeek! And it was the most popular one! That’s right, at over 20 million views, (and over 250 credits and counting!) “G.U.Y.” by Lady Gaga was the most popular music video… Read More

"The Struggle" by Grizfolk, directed by Keith Musil, tells the story of a vigilante grizzly bear emotionally wreaking havoc on everyone he comes in contact with. While most people will realize that in real life this is actually an actor in a bear costume, it isn’t clear for most of… Read More

100 IMVDb Podcasts!

Posted by Adam Fairholm on March 28, 2014 in Site News

A few months after we started filmedinsert.com (which would eventually become imvdb.com), we decided a podcast would be a fun addition to the site. Our first episode was released in February 2011, and now a little more than three years later, we're releasing our 100th episode!Over the course of 100… Read More

As a website run by two dudes who basically wear the same 11 tshirts in rotation all year long, style obviously isn’t our focus. However, when a music video comes along that’s so packed full of sweet clothes and set pieces, we can’t help but recognize its coolness. Such is… Read More

IMVDb, In T-Shirt Form

Posted by Adam Fairholm on March 26, 2014 in Site News

Let's say you are in a crowd of people. How do you effectively communicate to them that you a.) know about IMVDb, and b.) like it? Trust us, we've tried every way. Pulling random people aside and explaining IMVDb to them is socially frowned upon. Handing out flyers is bad… Read More

It's not often that you come across a band such as Phantogram, who consistently put out interesting and memorable visuals to accompany their music. This trend continues with the video for "Fall In Love," directed by Timothy Saccenti, and co-directed by Joshua Davis. As we transition into adopting the 4k… Read More

One question that we started getting interested in a few months ago is "what is the quickest way to start watching music videos?" If this were days of music videos on MTV, you could just flip over to a music video channel and see what was on. Now, it's not… Read More

“2 On” by Tinashe ft. Schoolboy Q takes the idea of a choreographed club music video and lets it build out gradually throughout the piece. Choreographed by JaQuel Knight, choreographer for several iconic music videos including “Single Ladies” by Beyonce, the viewer knows going in that this is going to… Read More

After collaborating last year on the video for “It Sucks Being Broke,” Skipp Whitman and director Shawn Collins have rejoined forces to create the I-suck-at-sports anthem with “Whitman Can’t Jump.” The video opens with Skipp on a basketball court in Queens, shooting around by himself while rocking some dope Reebok… Read More

The 2014 Prism Prize for best music video was awarded to directed Emily Kai Bock last night, for her video for "Afterlife" by Arcade Fire. Prism Prize is an award selected by a jury of over 90 Canadian music and film industry professionals, and it recognizes something there is no shortage… Read More

For the past two weeks, the internet has been buzzing about "Turn Down For What," the DJ Snake and Lil' Jon video directed by Daniels. Starring Daniel Kwan (of Daniels) and Sunita Mani (of Cocoon Central Dance Team), "Turn Down For What" is easily the most insane video of 2014, in… Read More

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (3/23)

Posted by Adam Alexander on March 23, 2014 in Lists Contributor Post

Each week, FRINGE MUSIC FIX culls the latest music video releases, carefully selecting the most bizarre, provocative, and remarkable videos from across the world. Sit back, relax, and open your mind’s eye; things are about to get interesting. The following are our selections for the week ending March 23rd, 2014.… Read More

Originally when we wrote about Vimeo's takedowns of music videos due to DCMA notices, we noted that on Vimeo's DMCA page, it mentions a three strikes rule that seemed very likely to come into play. Basically, if you have 3 or more DMCA takedown requests related to your account, your… Read More

Here we are again you guys, the end of another week in music videos. What did we learn this week? We learned that Kylie Minogue is competing for the title of sexiest 45-year-old to work out in high heels with her video for “Sexercize” (which pulled in nearly 2 million… Read More

Earlier this month, Future released a Benny Boom-directed music video for his song “Move That Dope,” featuring Pharrell Williams and Pusha T. While there is a very small narrative involving a car chase and Ronald Reagan masks, for the most part "Move That Dope" shakes out to be your classic… Read More

The drag race is an iconic Hollywood film scene. They usually start out with a woman standing between the two racers to signal the cars to go, followed by an intense race. Usually it's between two characters in a film that have a score to settle, but in "Talkin' Bout"… Read More

Music Videos At SXSW 2014

Posted by Doug Klinger on March 19, 2014 in Event Coverage

Last week, we were in Austin, TX watching music videos, recording commentaries, and giving out IMVDb tshirts at SXSW. As one of the biggest events of the year to recognize music videos, and likely the largest to features directors specifically, SXSW is one of the few places to find a… Read More

Welcome To The New IMVDb

Posted by Adam Fairholm on March 19, 2014 in Site News

If you visit IMVDb on a regular basis you may have noticed a big change that was launched in the middle of last week - a new version of IMVDb. We're really excited about it, not because it's the biggest update to IMVDb we've ever released, but what it means… Read More

People whose jobs revolve around throwaway "viral" stories hit pay dirt last week when someone noticed that a radio station in LA was playing Nelly's 2002 hit "Hot In Herre" over and over again. This is apparently relatively standard procedure for radio stations undergoing a format change (it has since… Read More

Over the weekend, it appears that many music videos that were initially taken down by Vimeo due to DMCA takedown notices have been reinstated. For instance, BREWER's upload for their Passion Pit "Carried Away" video is now back up. Also, David Wilson's video for "Take A Walk" by Passion Pit… Read More

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (3/16)

Posted by Adam Alexander on March 16, 2014 in Lists Contributor Post

Each week, FRINGE MUSIC FIX culls the latest music video releases, carefully selecting the most bizarre, provocative and remarkable videos from across the world.Sit back, relax, and open your mind's eye; things are about to get interesting. The following are our selections for the week ending March 16th, 2014. http://imvdb.com/video/chela/zero… Read More

The music video catalog of LA-based singer-songwriter BANKS has been in heavy rotation at IMVDb for the past year or so. Even without a full album to her name, BANKS has established a strong image as a natural performer throuh a set of videos featuring the singer. Her latest video,… Read More

Leaving your phone unattended around your significant other is a dangerous game. YG's girlfriend learns this lesson the hard way at the beginning of the new video for "Who Do You Love?" featuring Drake, when YG notices that a call is coming through to his girlfriend's phone under the name "Don't Answer."… Read More

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