
May 2013

It was a short week for a lot of us, but not for music videos. They didn’t need a fifth day to fit in a week's worth of twerking, camera mugging, and sexy dodgeball. Jessie J's "WILD," directed by Emil Nava, comes in at the top of the list, generating nearly… Read More

Combining time lapse with stop-motion, the video for “Analog Or Digital” by Wildlife Control required band members Neil and Sumul Shah to perform in a complicated, full-day shoot on San Francisco's Ocean Beach. Most complicated shoots like this might require some convincing by the director to get the band on… Read More

In the video for “Cindy + Me” by Caged Animals, director by Carlos Lopez Estrada brings us to a world where a group of baboon scientists run a series of tests on Caged Animals singer Vincent Cacchione - creating likely the only type of animal testing that PETA would be… Read More

Tyga and Chris Brown are finding themsleves in a comptemplative mood, so they've headed to their giant hideaway in the mountains where everything - incuding the dogs - is pure white. This is the scene in the music video for "For the Road" by Tyga ft. Chris Brown, which was… Read More

Out of the many things that social media has changed, music video production is definitely on the list. While most films require some amount of on-set secrecy, most of the time you can find pictures and video from a music video set from crew and the artists themselves. Even if… Read More

Eelier this week, we headed over to ACME Studio in Brooklyn to check out director Nicolas Heller and D-Pryde on set of the video for “Lifted.” We knew we were in for a crazy afternoon when as we were walking into the building, several pretty ladies dressed in all white… Read More

The internet popularity meter doesn’t always reflect quality. But wow, this week you got it right, internet. So many of the videos in this week’s list are not only popular, but they are also so, so awesome. The week started off strong with YouTube comedy week setting the pace early… Read More

Anyone who has ever wondered what the members of a band do after they break up will get that question answered in the music video for the song “Leave The World Behind” by Lune, who teamed up with Swedish House Mafia to remake their 2008 song. The stunning video, directed… Read More

Convincing a family member to be in one of your music videos is actually more difficult than it sounds. Of course they’re supportive, but the only people who usually want to be in front of a camera are the type of people who want to be in front of the… Read More

With all of the compromises that usually have to be made to get a music video finished, sometimes a director just needs to put their foot down. Director Malia James did that when finding a location for the video for "Demon Dance" by Surfer Blood, a dark but funny video… Read More

If you’re anything like us, the first time you heard She & Him (the musical duo made up of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward) you went, “Whaaat? I didn’t know Zooey Deschanel could sing like that, you guys!” And now, you get to have the same reaction to her abilities as… Read More

Flux is putting on quarterly screenings at the Hammer Museum at UCLA and one of those screenings is tonight. The main program is the LA premiere of David Shane’s short Playdate and Kirsten Lepore’s animated film Move Mountain. For music video fans, the screening also promises "new music videos for David Bowie,… Read More

In the video for “Around The Block” by Pretty Lights featuring Talib Kweli, director Anthony Dickenson focuses on the technical process of creating music and visuals - the wires, knobs, interfaces, and the human element that goes into creating sound and visuals. Pretty Lights is stationed at his setup, recording… Read More

Last night, Kanye West released the song “New Slaves” by projecting the music video onto the side of 66 buildings across the world. One of the projection locations, on the side of the Museum of Design & Arts near Columbus Circle in New York, was close enough for us to… Read More

What would a rapper and a comedian do if you gave them $5,000 and told them to make a music video? If you think the answer would be to get pizza with Childish Gambino, dress up like a chicken, and buy some shiny suits, you would be exactly right because… Read More

First off, we should start by saying great job this week everybody. You all worked really hard on whatever you do, and should be proud of the effort you put in. Music videos also did a great job this week, providing us with celebrity directors, twist endings, guest appearances, and… Read More

Inspiration as a filmmaker can come from all different places. For DP David Kruta, he was able to succeed in his current career by drawing influence from his previous careers, including his time spent as a graphic designer and as a dish washer. Since his days washing dishes, David has… Read More

2013 LAMVF Recap

Posted by Doug Klinger on May 16, 2013 in Event Coverage

At the beginning of this month, we traveled out to LA to attend the Los Angeles Music Video Festival. Co-directed by Sami Kriegstein and Colleen Curlin, LAMVF is one of the few things that allow us to take a break from our jobs as websitemen and venture out into the… Read More

The way it has previously worked at IMVDb is users submit content, we moderate it, and then it goes up on the site. However, IMVDb users aren't all just anonymous people. Since launched our page management feature in late 2012, we've had more than 800 pages claimed on IMVDb. So… Read More

The Uncluded, the genre-crossing duo comprised of Aesop Rock and Kimya Dawson, has been on a music video tear recently, already releasing four videos off of their debut album Hokey Fright, which was released last week. Likely our favorite video from the album so far, “Delicate Cycle” directed by Ben… Read More

Last week while in LA for the Los Angeles Music Video Festival, we had the opportunity to drop by the set of “Cindy & Me” by Caged Animals, directed by Carlos Lopez Estrada and shot by Niko Weisnet. We were only there for part of the day, but we can… Read More

Introducing IMVDb Mobile

Posted by Adam Fairholm on May 13, 2013 in Site News

If you're visiting IMVDb, there's a good chance that you're visting it on a phone. A lot of our traffic comes via mobile, and although you could technically access the site through your phone, it wasn't always easy. That's why we're very excited to announce that starting today, when you… Read More

For their last music video, “Wasted My Time” by I/O, director duo BRTHR spent three days running around Long Island, packing in multiple locations with multiple setups all within a short period of time. For their latest video, “Bounce” by Iggy Azalea, they also packed in a lot of locations,… Read More

Some of the things you’ll find in this week’s most popular music videos are female rappers riding elephants, comedians kissing each other on the lips, and projectile stigmata blood spraying over topless brides. This week also featured over 8 million people watching the new Selena Gomez video, "Come & Get… Read More

The Art of Pop Video is an exhibit in Liverpool that tells the story of music videos by showcasing over 100 of them from the past 80 years. The exhibit is currently running at FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) through May 26th. Like Spectacle: The Music Video, the exhibit… Read More

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