Interactive Music Video, Y'All: Death Grips – “I’ve Seen Footage”

Posted by Doug Klinger on September 14, 2012 in Video Previews

Staff Post

Death Grips â?? â??Iâ??ve Seen Footageâ??

Nothing breaks our site more than interactive music videos. Now, don't misunderstand, we LOVE working interactie msuic videos. Love 'em. In fact, we've even featured podcast interviews with directors of some amazing interactive music videos, including fourclops and Lex Halaby. With that said, boy oh boy can they break this site so hard. Because of that, the best place for us to tell you about them is through our sweet, sweet blog. So, that's what I'm doing--right now!

The band Death Grips, partnered with MTV, has dropped there own interactive music video. In this video, you get to pick which person's perspective you want to experience it from. But, rather than have me tell you more things about something that is absolutely made to be experienced (not explained), I'm just going to link you to it so you can get down with the get down (what?). Ejnoy all the interactiveness, here.

death grips, interactive music videos, mtv

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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