Kailey Swanson Is the Best Kind of Stalker in Her 'Hooked' Music Video

Posted by Adam Fairholm on October 23, 2012 in New Releases

Staff Post

Kailey Swanson sings covers of popular songs on YouTube, and just released her first music video a few days ago for her first single, "Hooked". If you are wary of clicking "play" based on that information, I'm here to tell you that Swanson and director Jared Sagal have hit on a nice combination of earnestness mixed with ridiculous premise for you to keep going. 

The video centers around Swanson stalking a young man (Austin North). Apparently not satisified with traditional hiding in the bushes techniques she tries early in the video, Kailey tries walking behind him, standing in his direct eyeline in a mirror, and cheering him on while he joylessly plays a carnival game alone.

To you and me, it's obvious that she wants to be caught stalking this guy, but he doesn't seem to get it. He appears to be confused and maybe a little scared for his safety. This culminates, of course, in Kailey Swanson donning a makeshift homeless person outfit to get out of a chance encounter.

The best part of this video is clearly the fact hat Kailey and her future restraining order seeker at no point make any sort of contact beyond him looking at her directly (sometimes at arm's reach) and not comprehending what is going on. At the end of the video, the male character seems genuinely confused and scared, and Ms. Swanson gives him a look that says "I'll always be right behind you." We're left with no indication that Swanson is ever going to stop. 

If this is how Kailey Swanson does music videos, we'd like some more!



Austin North

Adam Fairholm is the co-founder and lead developer of IMVDb. You can find him on twitter at @adamfairholm.

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