Editor Profile: Mandy Brown

Posted by Doug Klinger on June 3, 2013 in Interviews

Staff Post

When a good editor gets their hands on some raw footage, they're not only able to cut together that footage into something that makes sense, they're able to add something unique to the project. Mandy Brown is an editor who is frequently turned to by directors like Isaac Rentz, David Altobelli, Ace Norton, and Hiro Murai to do exactly that. We talked to Mandy about editing music videos, working with Isaac Rentz, and bringing out an emotional quality in the videos she edits.

Mandy Brown

Doug: How did you get into editing?

Mandy: I've always been interested in film and while taking different production classes in college, I was drawn the most toward editing. I liked the idea of taking all this raw footage and molding it into a story with which people can connect and feel something about. Even though it's a very digital application, it felt like a physical transformation. But it wasn't until after college, when I was working as a receptionist at an ad agency, watching and learning from professional editors in the workplace, that I decided to really pursue it full time.

Doug: You've worked with a lot of different directors, but for music videos you've worked most frequently with Isaac Rentz. Is there something about your relationship with him that keeps your guys working together?

Mandy: We started working together very early in our careers and have always gotten along really well. I think we have a very similar aesthetic. His videos are often about relationships and human struggle, and they depict an Americana lifestyle in a very real and natural way. I love working with the footage he captures and helping him tell his stories, because they're the same stories I'm interested in telling. And it doesn't hurt that we live within walking distance of each other. It makes editing together very convenient!

Doug: Do you think their is a particular aesthetic that directors are looking for when they have you edit their videos?

Mandy: I don't want to speak for them, but I like to think I bring out an emotional quality in their stories. I remember listening to a director's commentary Isaac Rentz did for Manchester Orchestra's "Shake Me Out" video and he mentioned that even though the video was about big dudes arm wrestling, I was able to give it a lot of heart. It was never something we had specifically talked about while editing, and I think originally it was supposed to be kind of a goofy spoof on Over the Top, but we found so much emotion and rawness in the footage that it was really easy to turn it into something more heartfelt and moving. I would never call myself a flashy editor; I'm more interested in finding the most raw moments and expressing the emotion and story through them.

Doug: You've edited everything from performance-based music videos, to narrative music videos, and everything in between. Is there one style that you prefer?

Mandy: Definitely narrative. As I just mentioned, I love being able to tell stories and express the song through human connection. Performance is always fun, but when you can relate the song to a human experience the listener can identify with, I think it bears more meaning. My goal with every video is to move people to feel something, and narrative more easily lends itself to that.

Doug: On your website, all of your featured work comes from your music video catalog. Are you most proud of the work that comes from the music video world?

Mandy: I think music videos are a unique art form that have a broad range of styles. It can be abstract art or a dramatic short film. They tend to be less specific and I think they best represent my ethos as an editor.

Doug: As an editor, is it all about eventually trying to get into feature films? Or do you prefer the quick turnaround time that music videos provide?

Mandy: I love editing narrative, so would eventually like to get into features, but for now am having a great time editing music videos!

editor profile, hiro murai, isaac rentz, mandy brown

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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