
Music Video Relapse: "Beat Boy" by Die Antwoord

Posted by Adam Fairholm on June 10, 2013 in Music Video Relapse

Staff Post


This post is part of a series called "Music Video Relapse", where we revisit a released music video to see how it's doing. Weekdays at noon EST.

Before we go any further - do you have a PC computer? DJ Hi-Tek has a PC Computer.

South African group Die Antwoord had a huge year for music videos in 2012, releasing videos for "Fatty Boom Boom", "Baby's on Fire", and "I Fink U Freeky". These are all great videos, full of interesting costumes and visuals. However, if you want to strip Die Antwoord down to just the weird basics, you need to go back to "Beat Boy".

Released in 2009 - before their breakout video "Enter the Ninja" - "Beat Boy" proves that all Die Antwoord really needs to be Die Antwoord is a pair of Dark Side of the Moon boxers and Yolandi staring at Ninja's bounching junk in slow motion. It's their version of going acoustic.

Part of the appeal of Die Antwoord is that the lines between is real and what is an act are often blurred, to the point that it is pointless to find out the truth. Does DJ Hi-Tek own a PC computer? Is that DJ Hi-Tek? Is that where Die Antwoord live? Who is interviewing them and why? It's probably better if we don't know.

Also, I'll just leave this here:


die antwoord

Adam Fairholm is the co-founder and lead developer of IMVDb. You can find him on twitter at @adamfairholm.

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