
Music Video Relapse: "Just 2 Guyz" by The Lonely Island

Posted by Adam Fairholm on June 12, 2013 in Music Video Relapse

Staff Post


Yesterday The Lonely Island released The Wack Album, their third studio album. If you're a fan of Samberg, Schaffer, and Taccone, you know that they have several different song "themes" that they revisit regularly. For example, Jorma Taccone and Andy Samberg usually have a song on the album that is a long, non-sensical exploration on a weird phrase (see "Punch You In the Jeans" and "I Don't Give a Honk").

My favorite, however, is Taccone and Schaffer's "Two Guys" theme, where they rap as two painfully non self-aware dudes - Guy Number One and Guy Number Two. On The Wack Album there's the "We Need Love Track", on Turtleneck & Chain (as a bonus track) there's "We'll Kill You", and on Incredibad there's "We Like Sportz". Before that though, there was the music video we're watching today - "Just 2 Guyz".

This is one of the first videos I watched on YouTube in early 2006 - the Lonely Island were early on the YouTube train. It has all the elements that the group have carried on for close to a decade, including the cameo of "Steve" (Andy Samberg) as the unwelcome third guy. What I love about this video is the little details like the doorbell sound when guy number one knocks on the door. There's also the painfully meticulously arranged spinach dip, and my personal favorite: the camera noise followed by a still image, emulating that hilariously awful feature of camcorders from the early 2000s (I hope they aren't still putting that feature on camcorders, by the way).

The Lonely Island have been kind enough to make all their older songs available, and you can find them all here. I recommend "I Think I Might Have Killed The President".

the lonely island

Adam Fairholm is the co-founder and lead developer of IMVDb. You can find him on twitter at @adamfairholm.

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