New Release: G.R.L "Vacation" Directed by Hannah Lux Davis

Posted by Adam Fairholm on September 9, 2013 in New Releases

Staff Post


The Ladies of G.R.L. are in a tough spot in "Vacation", their new music video. Some dudes are staying at the G.R.L. house, and these dudes are anything but good housemates. They are the messiest cereal pourers ever, shave and leave hairs all over the bathroom sink, and just play video games (an N64) while the ladies of G.R.L. do things like repair the sink and bake delicious, colorful treats. This situation doesn't last long however, as the ladies kick out the dudes and have fun by themselves. They dance, try on outfits, and at the end we get a surprise guest - Mel B! She greets them as they walk out of their house together, presumably to go on vacation. (Lauren Bennett's union jack shirt isn't just a tribute to Mel B, she's also the only British member of the group.) There is not a messy cereal pourer in sight as they all pile into a car and drive off.

Director Hannah Lux Davis is a veteran of girl group music videos by now, having done previous work for Cimorelli and, more recently, Fifth Harmony. She's known to pay very close attention to the styling in her videos, and that's on full display here with several costume changes and most of the second half of the video devoted to G.R.L. getting ready and showing off their outfits in slow mo while walking out to Mel B. Watch out for some clever Claire's placement as well.

"Vacation" was produced by Luga Podesta for London Alley Entertainment. The track is available as a single as well as on the The Smurfs 2 Soundtrack.

hannah lux davis, london alley entertainment

Adam Fairholm is the co-founder and lead developer of IMVDb. You can find him on twitter at @adamfairholm.

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