New Release: The Cataracs ft. Luciana "Big Dipper" Directed by Colin Tilley

Posted by Doug Klinger on September 12, 2013 in New Releases

Staff Post

London Alley Entertainment

Colin Tilley has made a name for himself by perfecting the art of the performance first video. However, in "Big Dipper" by The Cataracs, he takes that perfect performance atmosphere and makes it the location for a really high energy narrative video. We start with Niles "Cyranizzy" Hollowell-Dhar, of The Cataracs, ordering a bunch of food from a hotdog drive through when suddenly a masked gunman jumps in the passaging seat and forces him to start driving. We soon discover that the masked gunman is actually a very attractive masked gunlady who reveals this to us by taking most of her clothes off – pretty much everything but the mask. She then takes Cyranizzy around for a crazy night of clubs, drugs, and snorricams. Things really start to get nuts, and the shots of a stumbling Cyranizzy are cut between performance footage and lots of twerking. Luciana also features heavily in the video, and her sweet dance moves and energetic hook singing fit in perfectly with the tone of the video.

"Big Dipper" was produced by Brandon Bonfiglio for London Ally Entertainment and was shot by DP Nicholas Wiesnet.

big dipper, colin tilley, london alley entertainment, luciana, new release, the cataracs

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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