
Beaming Rocket

Posted by Doug Klinger on October 31, 2013 in Sponsored

Staff Post


Video artist Juan, the main character in LG’s Beaming Rocket video, has been looking for ways to bring projection technology to the next level. In an effort to reach a broader audience, he’s replaced the headlights in his car with LG’s Mini Beam projectors, allowing him to display his work on the street to make it look like his car is a rocket ship. Of course, Juan isn’t really a video artist, but an actor in a commercial, but his story is still a really effective way to highlight the power of LG’s Mini Beam projector. The portable LED projector has a built in TV tuner and Wifi, has a variety of connections including HDMI and USB, and uses an external battery so you can always be ready to enjoy projected video.

Projection technology has been making its way into music videos a lot more lately, too. For example, one of our favorite music videos from last year was "Sweater" by Willow, directed by Filip Sterckx, combined live action and projection footage. Who will be the first to use LG’s Mini Beam projector in a music video? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 



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Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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