The Most Popular Music Videos Released This Week (11/15/14)

Posted by Doug Klinger on November 15, 2014 in Most Popular Music Videos

Staff Post

Have you guys heard of Taylor Swift? She’s like a singer and a songwriter and stuff. The guy sitting next to me at the bar at Applebee’s told me she won like seven Grammys or fifteen American Music Awards or something like that. You should check her out if you haven’t. Anyway, this week Taylor released a music video for her song “Blank Space” and it was watched over 36 million times. Like, jeez right? Save some views for other people, Taylor.

It looks like she did save a few, because Fergie and Calvin Harris each had videos with over 3 million views this week. Even weirder, AC/DC also weaseled into the conversation by piling up 1.5 million views of their own. Further down the list we get some cool vids from Shawn Mendes, Nicole Scherzinger, and Marina & The Diamonds, and we also get another classic from RiFF RAFF who - with the help of Mickey Finnegan and some Vine stars - finally gives us a video for “TiP TOE WiNG iN MY JAWWDiNZ.” This was actually an unusually strong week for music videos this late in the year, so you should definitely check out this playlist of the 25 most popular videos of the week if you have time before your Tinder date.

Taylor Swift 'Blank Space' music video

1. Blank Space

Taylor Swift

Director: Joseph Kahn

Fergie 'L.A.LOVE (la la)' music video

2. L.A.LOVE (la la)


Director: Rich Lee

Calvin Harris 'Outside' music video

3. Outside

Calvin Harris

Director: Emil Nava

AC/DC 'Play Ball' music video

4. Play Ball


Director: David Mallet

Shawn Mendes 'Something Big' music video

5. Something Big

Shawn Mendes

Director: Jon Jon Augustavo

Nicole Scherzinger 'Run' music video

6. Run

Nicole Scherzinger

Director: Christopher Sims

Marina & The Diamonds 'Froot' music video

7. Froot

Marina & The Diamonds

Director: Chino Moya

RiFF RAFF 'TiP TOE WiNG iN MY JAWWDiNZ' music video



Director: Mickey Finnegan, RiFF RAFF

Lenny Kravitz 'New York City' music video

9. New York City

Lenny Kravitz

Director: Francesco Carrozzini

Kindness 'Who Do You Love' music video

10. Who Do You Love



Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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