Video Chats: Cassandra Lee Hamilton on 'Break My Heart' by La Sera

Posted by Doug Klinger on November 1, 2012 in Interviews

Staff Post

Cassandra Lee Hamilton on â??Break My Heartâ?? by La Sera

The videos by Cassandra Lee Hamilton have been described in a variety of ways. Stereogum calls them “cute,” Cassandra herself calls them “demented pop,” and at least one Vimeo user calls them the work of a “DIY master.” In her video for “Break My Heart” by La Sera, Cassandra uses mainly in-camera effects to bring household objects to life so that they can attack Katy Goodman. We talked to Cassandra about why she prefers tangible effects, the concept cuteness, and proper eye protection. 

Doug: Your work uses a lot of in camera, tangible effects. What is it about that style appeals to you? 

Cassandra: I really love stop motion and things like that because I grew up on early Terry Gilliam, Time Bandits, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. I was just drawn to the effects that were tangible and real. That’s more magical to me than anything you can create in a computer. I think as humans we know that, we can register what is physically real and what isn’t. 

Doug: Do you find that these days most filmmakers are moving away from that style of effect?

Cassandra: Yeah, and I think it’s sad. I think it’s possible to have a good blend. But, I feel like a lot of filmmakers just think, “Oh, we’ll fix it in post.” I think that takes the magic out of filmmaking. 

Cassandra Lee Hamilton La Sera

Doug: While you favor more tenable effect like stop motion and finishing line, is it still important for you to make those effects as seamless as possible?

Cassandra: Yes and no. A lot of the videos I do, it’s clear this is a movie. This is a video, we’re playing around and having fun. I’m not trying to trick anybody. Sometimes I am, but other times it’s more like a game. 

Doug: Do you involve everyone in that game? When I watch your videos, I envision them as extremely collaborative projects, to the point where I even picture Katy Goodman helping you attach fishing line to scissors and stuff. 

Cassandra: I try to include most of my friends, they’re like the greatest part of my team. I always work with my best friends. Then yeah, whatever band I’m working with, some will take an interest and want to help out. I just finished a video for Allah-Las that should be released within the next week, and one of the band members Spencer was a huge part of making the video with me. It’s really nice when that happens. 

Cassandra Lee Hamilton La Sera

Doug: I read Stereogum used the term cute several times to describe the “Break my Heart” video. And then Vivian Girls, which is another band that Katy Goodman is in, actually had a Jeopardy question about them that called them “really, really, really cute.” So, I was wondering about the concept of “cute.” Was that something you guys were trying to achieve when making this video? 

Cassandra: Naturally my aesthetic is kind of this demented pop. I think Ruben Mendez from Hardly Art, who asked me to do that video, knew that and had that in mind. When I was looking at Katy’s other videos, she had that idea going for her a lot of the time. So, I think it was a perfect collaboration for that to happen. 

Doug: Where did you guys find that room that you're in?

Cassandra: That's my bedroom. (laughs)

Doug: Did you guys dress it up, or is it pretty close? 

Cassandra: It was pretty close. 

Cassandra Lee Hamilton La Sera

Doug: I feel a little bit like my mom by asking this last question, but I’m going to go with it anyway. The action in the video is relatively light hearted, you don’t ever feel like there is any real life threatening danger. However, scissors flying through the air can be potentially dangerous. Did you guys take any precautions to protect anyone eyes from being poked out? 

Cassandra: No, we didn't! I actually I feel really bad. Katy was such a trooper. She had cassette tapes flying at her, scissors, all sorts of things, and she was great through it. I’m sure there should have been someone protecting the talent, but it was so DIY that well all just said, “Hey, it will be OK, I promise!” 

break my heart, cassandra lee hamilton, katy goodman, la sera, video chats

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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