2012 IMVDb Milestones

Posted by Adam Fairholm on January 1, 2013 in Site News

Staff Post


Many, many things happened in the world of IMVDb over 2012. Just to give you a general idea, IMVDb wasn't even our name for most of 2012. So, here's a recap of what happened in 2012, and a little bit about where we're going in 2013.

FilmedInsert Became IMVDb

As we discussed in a blog post in early October, FilmedInsert was never really supposed to be the name of a database of music videos, and it was always an awkward fit. Thanks to a combination of work and luck, we were able to change the name of FilmedInsert to IMVDb in October 2012. Since then, it's been a huge benefit to us, to say the least.

We Started Taking Video Submissions

Hard to believe, but for most of 2012, you couldn't submit a video to IMVDb. This was a big challenge for us, as there were a lot of technical requirements that had to be met before a submission process was feasible (such as a really accurate, fast live name search). Finally, in early August, we released our video submission feature, and the response has been overwhelming. In 2012, we had 1,238 music videos added to the site and 1,500 data points.

We Crossed the 10,000 Music Video Line

There are a lot of music videos out there, and one of the greatest challenges we are facing right now is how to get all of those videos into our database. Throughout the year we honed our data intake methods and, with a lot of help from video submissions, we were able to cross the 10,000 music video mark. That was a big number for us, and hopefully this time next year we'll be celebrating much bigger milestones.

We Started a Blog

Before June of this year, we didn't even have a blog for IMVDb. Since then, it's grown to be one of our most popular features (hey, you're reading it right now!). Our aim with the blog was simple: provide in-depth, interesting interviews and articles that bring you content you won't find anywhere else. Since then, Doug's video chats and cinematographer profiles have been bringing quality content on a daily basis. You'll see much more of this feature in 2013.

We Launched Our Profile Management Feature

Shortly before we became IMVDb, we realized that most of our users represented or were people in our database. So, we created a process where users could "claim" a database entry and manage it by adding a picture, links, and other information. Since launching that feature in September, it's been a success with over 300 managed database entries. We're very excited about that, and it's a big part of our plans for 2013.

We Launched Verified Credits

Once we had users managing profiles, we were in a position to allow people who were involved in a video in a certain capacity to verify the accuracy of credits for that video. So, we launched a simple feature that allowed users to do just that. Now, for many videos you can see that a producer, director, or production company has verified those credits as accurate. All of our credit submissions go through a basic accuracy check, but this adds another level.

Bonus: We Went to LA and Filmed a Video

In March, Doug and I flew to LA and decided to film a video about the trip featuring music video directors. To the directors who appeared, we are eternally grateful. You can find part one here and part two here.

Bonus: Doug Went to LA and Helped with OMG! Everywhere

This summer, Doug went to LA and spent a week at the awesome OMG! Everywhere camp and had the opportunity to create this short video about the camp. We're extremely happy that Doug was able to be a part of this, and we're looking forward to more great things from OMG! in 2013!

We're Excited for 2013

If I could put the theme of 2012 for IMVDb into one word, it would be foundations. A database cannot exist without a strong, core set of tools and technologies and a community that is interested in using them. We have a lot planned for 2013, and all of those things build on the foundation we've built in 2012.

We'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has submitted a video, took over a profile, sent us an email saying hello, sat down with us for an interview, liked us on Facebook, followed us on Twitter, told friends about the site, or did anything that helped us along the way this year. The response to IMVDb this year has been tremendous, and were extremely grateful the support of this project.

We also realize that with support comes the expectation that we're going to take IMVDb to the next level. So, with that in mind, happy new year, and see you on the next level.

Adam Fairholm is the co-founder and lead developer of IMVDb. You can find him on twitter at @adamfairholm.

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