Video Chats: LAMAR+NIK on "Bagboy" by Pixies

Posted by Doug Klinger on June 28, 2013 in Interviews

Staff Post


The internet is kind of freaking out today because for the first time in almost a decade, Pixies have released a music video. That video, for the song “Bagboy,” directed by LAMAR+NIK (Jesse Lamar High and Nik Harper), features a bag boy running amuck in a house, smashing things and bathing in a tub full of milk. There is a lot of fun to be had in the video, and also maybe some not so fun stuff, and it all amounts to easily one of our favorite LAMAR+NIK videos to date. We talked to LAMAR+NIK about the video, the bathtub full of milk, and Nik’s now famous little brother. 

Doug: How did you guys get involved with the project?

LAMAR+NIK: As it turns out, Samantha Crain and Pixies have the same publicist. Or at least her publicist works for Richard, the Pixies manager. Richard hit us up and told us about the project.

Doug: What kind of direction did you get from the band? What was their involvement?

LAMAR+NIK: None and none. We were free to do pretty much whatever we wanted. We sent them a few ideas and they ended up going with this one!


Doug: What was the process of creating the milk bath? And how awful did it smell?

LAMAR+NIK: It didn't smell at all! We dumped three gallons of milk in the bath tub, as well as a full box of powdered milk, and filled the rest with water. It's crazy how a lot people think it's gross! It's just liquid and he took a shower right afterwards!

Doug: How do you convince a person to get into a bathtub full of milk and cereal?

Nik: He's my little brother! "GET IN THE TUB!"

LAMAR+NIK: We also gave him money so that could have helped. At first we were trying to get an actor. That would have been a nightmare. How do you convince someone's parents that everything we wanted to do was alright.


Doug: He's better off now for going in there now, right? Because he's famous.

LAMAR+NIK: You are correct sir. Out of the tub, a star was born...

Doug: Did the owner of the tub and house take some convincing as well? You also had to set off a bunch of fireworks and break a bunch of shit in their house.

Jesse: So it's my mom's house. We paid her $200 to not come home for a couple nights. She can't watch this video, we won't let her.


Doug: After shooting the bathtub scene, did you just drain the tub and hope it didn't clog?

LAMAR+NIK: We used a strainer to get out all the "Fruity Hoops". We also did some deep cleaning when all of the milk was gone. Have you ever seen "Fruity Hoops" pulp? We have.

Doug: Throughout the video, it feels very fun and carefree. You're kinda on the kids sides as he ruins this house. Then you kind of feel guilty for cheering him the whole time once you see the last shot. What kind of kid would do that?

LAMAR+NIK: A Bagboy...

bagboy, lamar and nik, lamar+nik, pixies, video chats

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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