Video Chats: Cameron Duddy on "Shark Attack" by Grouplove

Posted by Doug Klinger on January 7, 2014 in Interviews

Staff Post

Cameron Duddy

So far, Cameron Duddy has directed two music videos for Grouplove (with a third on the way!): "Ways To Go" and last month’s "Shark Attack." Both videos are built around hilarious concepts and feature the band preforming in some unorthodox locations, with “Shark Attack” finding them in Mexico and Uganda after being magically relocated there by a disheveled magician named Steven The Magnificant. The outrageous concept is grounded by a great performance by John Hawkes, who plays Steven, as well as the decision to have the band always play the straight man (straight band?) regardless of what happens to them in the video. We talked to Cameron about the video, working with Grouplove, and African heavy metal.

Doug: In addition to "Shark Attack," you also directed the fantastic "Ways To Go" video by Grouplove - was this project a single bid? Both videos are really funny, were they looking for a video with a similar vibe this time around?

Cameron: You know I'm not sure if it was single bid or not. I think because "Ways To Go" came out so good that my treatment was looked at first or maybe looked at with more faith then some others that may or may not have come in. I can't remember what the brief was for "Shark Attack" but I remember Alex Bittan (Atlantic Records) asking me to write on "Shark Attack" and "I'm With You" both at the same time. Its always fun to write on two videos at once because you have more of a chance to land two videos than just one. Package deals are ideal, I think. Anyways, I was in Wyoming about to get married over the summer when Alex asked me to write. I had turned down every other opportunity to write around that time but when Grouplove came down the pike I put everything aside and wrote. The music is quirky so it sort of lends itself to a more humorous concept. Plus at that point I had worked with the band and fell madly in love with each and every one of them in a strictly platonic way (however if they failed to answer a single phone call I would stalk them where they sleep). Anyhow, I knew their vibe, I knew what I could get away with. A Ugandan Heavy Metal band wouldn't work for a lot of people. Except Grouplove. PS, I also got the "I'm With You" video that should release any day now. Also very proud of that video.

Cameron Duddy

Doug: The band has a lot of personality when they perform, and they seem really comfortable in front of the camera. Are they involved with the project conceptually at all?

Cameron: Fuck ya they are. It seems to me like they enjoy all aspects of their job, making creative music videos that push the record not excluded. Somehow, we are usually dancing a fine "PC" line with our concepts so before we even get to production there has been creative revisions to be made per the label's (Canvas Back) request. The revisions always improve the concept so I'm happy to work out the kinks with everyone, plus it allows the band to get involved which is my favorite way to make videos. I like feedback and collaboration when the artist brings GOOD ideas to the table. It sort of blows when the artist brings shit to the table. Its like having to play with your neighbor that you hate because your mom has to work late and the kid shits his pants and cries all the time. It's like "Get me out of this box". Thank god that doesn't happen often. Certainly not with Grouplove or Bruns or AWOL or Matt Koma or even Cody for that matter. In fact, Cody is a stud and a real artist and I will arm wrestle anyone who disagrees with me. Except Cody, because he is real strong. That Pop category is tuff on kids his age that's why he is so ripped, so he can fend off all ladies that want at his abs. 

Doug: One of my favorite aspects of the video is that the band plays it straight the whole time, never reacting to the fact that they are being sent to all of these different locations. Do you have any takes where they are reacting to their new surroundings, or was it always the plan to have them play it the way they did?

Cameron: It was always the plan. Hannah has a hard time not smiling because she is a smiler.

Cameron Duddy

Doug: How did John Hawkes get involved with the video?

Cameron: In my search for the magician I was introduced to an angel of a human being named Mary Pat Bentel who is a highly respected film producer. I didn't know her (yet) but I asked her to help me cast the spot. I'm not sure why, but she jumped right in and helped, never asked for a dime, and hung in there until we got John whom she had previously worked with on a show called Deadwood. A few other names where in the mix that I shant not mention here, but when John was interested it was the easiest decision I ever made. Second easiest, the first easiest was that time a stranger asked me if I wanted some candy. I love candy.

Doug: The magicians assistant is so good in this as well, what was the casting process like for that part? Were you looking for someone who could act awkward or someone who was actually awkward?

Cameron: That lady was more awkward than her head shots. I couldn't have asked for a better "actress." I think I asked our acting director to find someone who you would make you uncomfortable if you had to share a cab. She was the perfect fit.

Doug: As far as you know, is there really a metal scene in Uganda? Did you do any research?

Cameron: Oh ya dude. It's not Uganda though I think it's somewhere else in Africa. Google it and it will blow your mind.

Editor's Note: Here is an article about the heavy metal subculture of Botswana, Africa.

cameron duddy, grouplove, shark attack, video chats

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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