The Most Popular Music Videos Released This Week (10/4)

Posted by Doug Klinger on October 4, 2013 in Most Popular Music Videos

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An Open Letter To This Week’s Music Videos

Dear Music Videos,

Great job this week. Because of you, there was a battle between two heavy weights for the top spot, with Rihanna’s "Pour It Up" squeaking past "Work Bitch" by Britney Spears at the very last minute. Thanks for doing that for us, Music Videos, we can’t remember that ever happening before. You also gave us a 22-minute long Arcade Fire video after the premiere of SNL that was full of cameos and directed by Roman Coppola. You really pulled a fast one on us there, nobody saw that coming. Basically, my point is that you did it again, you really made it happen for us. In fact, you did some a great job this week, Music Videos, that it’s even worth checking out the playlist of the 25 videos of the week, because they’re all really good, too.


Your Boo, IMVDb

Rihanna 'Pour It Up' music video

1. Pour It Up


Director: Rihanna

Britney Spears 'Work Bitch' music video

2. Work Bitch

Britney Spears

Director: Ben Mor

Arcade Fire 'Here Comes The Night Time' music video

3. Here Comes The Night Time

Arcade Fire

Director: Roman Coppola

John Legend 'All Of Me' music video

4. All Of Me

John Legend

Director: Nabil

Migos 'Versace' music video

5. Versace


Director: Gabriel Hart

Pet Shop Boys 'Thursday' music video

6. Thursday

Pet Shop Boys

Director: Justyn Field

Skylar Grey 'Back From The Dead' music video

7. Back From The Dead

Skylar Grey

Director: David Rosenbaum

Katy B '5 AM' music video

8. 5 AM

Katy B

Director: Ronan Pollock

RaVaughn 'Best Friend' music video

9. Best Friend


Director: Rhyon Brown, Talia Myers

Angel Haze 'Echelon (It’s My Way)' music video

10. Echelon (It’s My Way)

Angel Haze

Director: Skinny


most popular music videos

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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