The Most Popular Music Videos Released This Week (1/31)

Posted by Doug Klinger on February 1, 2014 in Most Popular Music Videos

Staff Post

Top Music Videos

Music videos just fucked our whole shit up this week, you guys. Going in, we were sure that Bieber was going to take the number one spot. But then Rihanna had to come in and touch Shakira’s butt and ruin everybody’s plans. Yes, that’s right, after less than a day, "Can't Remember To Forget You" by Shakira outperformed Justin Bieber’s “Confident” by nearly 5 million views. When it's all said and done, "Can't Remember To Forget You" will end up right behind "Wrecking Ball" as Vevo's second most viewed video in its first 24 hours. It will also end up passing "El Perdedor" by Enrique Iglesias as the most popular video of the year so far. One Direction comes in at number three this week, followed by Paramore, both brining in around 2 million views, and Keith Urban, Within Temptation, and Demi Lovato also came through with some pretty big numbers. There were a lot more popular videos this week than fit in this top ten, so check out this playlist of the top 25 to get a better idea what this week was all about. And if you want to hear more about what we thought of those videos, you should also check our weekly podcast where we talk about that very subject.

Shakira 'Can't Remember To Forget You' music video

1. Can't Remember To Forget You


Director: Joseph Kahn

Justin Bieber 'Confident' music video

2. Confident

Justin Bieber

Director: Colin Tilley

One Direction 'Midnight Memories' music video

3. Midnight Memories

One Direction

Director: Ben Winston

Paramore 'Ain't It Fun' music video

4. Ain't It Fun


Director: Sophia Peer

Banda Los Recoditos 'Mientras Tú Jugabas' music video

5. Mientras Tú Jugabas

Banda Los Recoditos

Director: Fermin Villegas, Jose Rene Vargas Vera

Keith Urban 'Cop Car' music video

6. Cop Car

Keith Urban

Director: John Urbano

Demi Lovato 'Neon Lights (Cole Plante with Myon & Shane 54 Remix)' music video

7. Neon Lights (Cole Plante with Myon…

Demi Lovato

Director: Ryan Pallotta

Rudimental 'Powerless' music video

8. Powerless


Director: David Edwards

The 1975 'Settle Down' music video

9. Settle Down

The 1975

Director: Nadia Otaen


most popular music videos

Doug Klinger is the co-founder/content director of IMVDb and watches more music videos than anyone on earth. You can find him on twitter at @doug_klinger.

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