FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (12/8)

Posted by Adam Alexander on December 8, 2013 in Lists Contributor Post

FRINGE MUSIC FIX’s selections for this week’s most exceptional music videos include flower headed women, hairless cats, mask wearing eccentric old men, gymnasts, dirt bike duels, multi-coloured computer rendered matter, and super intense intoxicated rave dancing. Read on to discover which of this week’s new music videos were the most… Read More

Combining clips of archival wartime footage, director Tom Hingston’s “I’d Rather Be High (Venetian Mix [Wasted Edit])” by David Bowie is a fascinating anti-war music video that is meant to, as Tom describes, "serve as a powerful reminder of the futility of war.” The video does this by juxtaposing footage… Read More

Last week when Justin Bieber teased his new video for "All That Matters," letting us know that it was coming out this week, we knew it would be safe to pencil him in at the top spot on this list. What we didn’t know was that this week would also… Read More

"Dead Eye" by Middle Class Rut, the band’s fourth video collaboration with director Lance Drake, focuses on the members of the band traveling across the south of Alaska on foot, by ship, and in the back of a pickup truck. The video features some fantastic shots of Alaska, some which… Read More

If the video projects leading up to the release of Childish Gambino’s new LP Because the Internet are any indication of what the tone of the album will be, we can expect a dark, introspective hip hop album that comes from the perspective of an artist with a completely unique… Read More

Alex Amoling’s narrative video for "I Could Hear The Water At The Edge Of All Things" by Hammock centers around a struggling blue-collar family on Staten Island. Casting a real family to appear in the video, Alex is able to find a chemistry within the characters that feels really natural… Read More

Is it just me, or does a lot of Christmas nostalgia come from the 1950s and the 1980s. I'm not saying that Christmas wasn't awesome in the 1970s or any other decade, but when we collectively pull things together from the past that we want to in our modern Christmas,… Read More

Photo by Colin Shane What do you get when you combine flying meat, a woman with a flower head, competitive hotdog eating, some epic hair tossing, and a bunch of goop made of milk, cream, yogurt, and food coloring? You get Ben Fee’s amazing new video for "Rawks" by K.Flay, of… Read More

In the hilarious new video for "Shark Attack" by Grouplove, actor John Hawkes plays Steven The Magnificant, a disheveled magician whose main trick involves making the band appear and disappear – or at least that’s what’s supposed to happen. Instead, something in the trick goes haywire, and rather than making… Read More

Today we're continuing our Christmas music video run with a video that definitely doesn't have any Christmas trees or jingle bells - Dustin Kensrue's 2009 video for "This Is War", directed by Kevin Adamson. First of all, you might be wondering why we're including this in our series on Christmas music… Read More

Miley Cyrus is no stranger to heavily covered live performances. Recently, the buzz surrounding her live performance at the 2013 American Music Awards was a bit different as the focus of the coverage was more on the stage visual than the performance itself. This visual, co-directed by Diane Martel and… Read More

As one of the biggest stars on the planet right now, and the artist behind the second most viewed music video of all time ("Baby," which is knocking on the door of a billion views), it’s always a big deal when Justin Bieber releases a music video. His latest video… Read More

Last month, director Lance Drake and Five Knives introduced us to the most badass kid of all time through their music video for "The Future." The 4'11" ass-kicker goes by the name of Dallas Liu and is described by stunt coordinator Mindy Kelly as the future of "tricking," a extreme form of… Read More

Not many music videos will make your hand and jacket glow in the dark while going through a TSA checkpoint, unless your music video centers around people blacklight-lit twerking in florescent paint, in which case it’s actually pretty likely. Awkward airport experiences aside, director Ryan Staake’s concept for "Sweat" by… Read More

If you are not a fan of Christmas music, then right now is not a good time for you. Even if you don't like it, though, you have to admit that Christmas music is pretty fascinating - it's a seasonal genre that virtually every popular act has tried to get… Read More

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (11/29)

Posted by Adam Alexander on December 1, 2013 in Lists Contributor Post

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's selections for this week's most exceptional music videos include themes of longing, the blue collar grind, sexual allure, unbridled love, and solicited sex. Read on to discover which of this week’s new music videos were the most remarkable. An animated video directed by Francesca Adams that sets… Read More

Music videos never take a week off, you guys. Never. Despite it being a pretty major holiday week here in the states, there were still some huge videos released this week from Eminem, Pitbull,, The Killers, Major Lazer and more, all with some pretty sweet music videos to accompany… Read More

Middle Class Rut and director Lance Drake - the team behind "Aunt Betty," one of the best and most twisted music videos of the year – is back again with "Dead Eye," a docu-narrative video shot in Alaska that is basically the opposite of "Aunt Betty." The video, which features… Read More

FRINGE MUSIC FIX's Weekly Top 5 (11/23)

Posted by Adam Alexander on November 24, 2013 in Lists Contributor Post

FRINGE MUSIC FIX’s selections for the week’s most exceptional music videos include themes of warmth, sunshine, vampires, glamour shots, murder and the afterlife. I’ll also discuss some of the very exciting and innovative interactive music videos that were released this week. Jake Schreier, the man responsible for 2012’s sleeper hit… Read More

Damn y’all, music videos sure made it happen this week, didn’t they? Pop videos, indie videos, interactive videos, videos for songs that are over 40 years old, this week had it all! And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way. At the top of the list is our girl… Read More

Today is the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination, and even though it happened half a century ago, people are still fascinated by it. The images of that day - and images of the Kennedys in general - have become part of American folklore. There have been many artistic takes on… Read More

This morning I thought to myself "I bet if I searched on IMVDb for Uncle Kracker videos I'd find some pretty weird stuff." And, here we are. Today on music video relapse we're watching the video for a song called "My Girlfriend" from 2009, directed by Ross Ching. The song… Read More

Have you ever wanted to meet the most badass kid of all time? Well, then you’re in luck, because I’m pretty sure we found him starring in the new Five Knives video for "The Future," directed by Lance Drake. We open on an industrialized school in Japan where the classes… Read More

Kanye West's love of premiering music videos on The Ellen Degeneres Show show is puzzling. Yes, Ellen's show is extremely popular, but it just seems like an odd venue. This week Kanye revealed his video for "Bound 2", and every moment of it was full of cringe. Especially because the… Read More

Shot in Thailand, Rihanna's "What Now" is an eerie video featuring Ri-Ri in a torn up, spooky looking room, performing some Exorcist inspired choreography. Directed by Jeff Nicholas, Darren Craig, and Jonathan Craven of The Uprising Creative, the video was shot over 24 straight hours in a makeshift soundstage built… Read More

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